Maintenance Packages

Spring Pond Cleaning

As the landscape gently transitions from the quiet of winter to the vibrant life of spring, it's crucial to give your water feature the attention it deserves.

We at McQueen Landscapes Ltd recommend a thorough spring cleanout as your pond awakens from its winter hibernation. This process is designed to ensure that your pond or water feature gets off to the best possible start for the new season.

Our comprehensive spring cleaning service includes removing debris, checking and adjusting water levels, inspecting pumps and filters, and ensuring that aquatic plants are healthy and positioned correctly. By taking proactive steps in early spring, we help set the stage for your water feature to thrive, maintaining its beauty and ecological balance throughout the year.

Autumn Shutdown

As the autumn leaves begin to fall, it's time to prepare your water feature for the changing season.

Our Autumn Shutdown service at McQueen Landscapes Ltd ensures that you're ready to face the inevitable leaf litter and colder temperatures with ease. By taking proactive steps to minimize maintenance needs in late autumn and early spring, we help you enjoy your water feature with less hassle. From leaf removal to equipment maintenance, our comprehensive approach ensures a smooth transition into the winter months, preserving the beauty and functionality of your pond or water feature throughout the year.

Trust McQueen Landscapes Ltd to keep your outdoor oasis in top condition, no matter the season.

Water Feature and Pond Repair

At McQueen Landscapes Ltd, we understand that unexpected issues can arise with your water feature or pond, disrupting the tranquility of your outdoor space. Our experienced team is available to assist with any repair needs you might encounter, from addressing pond leaks to restoring damaged water features.

We pride ourselves on our prompt and professional service, working diligently to diagnose the problem and provide effective solutions tailored to your specific situation.

With our expertise and attention to detail, you can trust us to restore the functionality and beauty of your water feature, ensuring that it continues to be a focal point of your landscape for years to come.